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Richard Irvin is running for Illinois Governor. His election would be a dumpster fire of epic proportions. Help us prevent it!

Richard Irvin: The wrong man for the job

Richard Irvin is a disaster candidate for Republicans in Illinois. Irvin is currently seeking the GOP nomination for the governor's race. 

In the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter and other hate groups wreaked havoc on cities across America, looting stores and assaulting police officers in record numbers

Illinois voters watched with bewilderment when Richard Irvin publicly said, "I support Black Lives Matter strongly and passionately."

Irvin winning the Republican nomination would be a disaster for the party and an even bigger nightmare for the state of Illinois.

Stop Richard Irvin! Here's how you can help.

1. Donate. Help us spread the word. The more voter education we can do, the better.

2. Share this site with your friends. Spread the word on Facebook. Email your neighbors. Let's get the word out.

3. Vote in the 2022 primary on June 28, 2022. If you aren't registered to vote, register now at:


"I support Black Lives Matter strongly and passionately."
- Richard Irvin, Republican candidate for Illinois Governor


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